Poo-ch happens: the expert guide to your dog's poo

Poo-ch happens: the expert guide to your dog's poo
All dog owners know when their dog needs to poop. But, if you’re a pet parent, you may find yourself scratching your head wondering, is my dog's poop normal?
That's why our vet Dr Scott Miller, advises all dog owners to check their canine’s poop. It may just hold the secret to understanding your pet's health.
Ultimately, the ideal dog poo is an easy to pass, solid, chocolate brown poop. And if it isn’t, having a closer look can tell you a lot about your pet’s health.
When checking, a good long glance when picking it up could reveal plenty... When you know what to look for. So, Dr Scott Miller has revealed his top considerations for poop investigation...
Some poop issues can be solved by a small change in their diet, so why not try our grain-free dog food. But keep in mind the size of your dog and what you’re feeding them.We offer large breed dog food, small breed dry dog food and even dry and wet puppy food, to support all dogs in healthy poops.
Dr Scott recommends keeping a 'doggy doo-doo’ diary where you can jot down key characteristics of your dog's poo - how it feels, looks, and smells - to monitor changes over time. This way, if you notice any of the above happening consistently over a few days, you have all the information to share with your vet.
It's best to address issues sooner so your beloved pup can continue living a happy, healthy life. At the very least, giving you peace of mind. Just remember that poo-ch happens!