Managing Your Pets Seasonal Allergies - Vet Advice from Vet Dr Scott Miller

Managing Your Pets Seasonal Allergies - Vet Advice from Vet Dr Scott Miller
Managing your pets seasonal allergies
🐾 Do you suspect your pet may have an environmental / seasonal allergy?
🐾 Is your pet itching, scratching, biting, or licking themselves regularly?
Our Vet, Dr Scott Miller advises on what to do if you suspect your pet may have a seasonal allergy 🌻

There are three different types of allergies; a flea allergy, seasonal / environmental allergy or food allergy, which can make diagnosis very difficult through symptoms alone without Veterinary tests. It is advised to help diagnose the exact cause of your pets’ allergies through an evaluation from a veterinary dermatologist.
If you do suspect your pet has a food allergy or intolerance, read our blog by Vet, Dr Scott Miller.
Symptoms of seasonal allergies
Excessive licking
Face rubbing
Hair loss
Red, stinky ears
Head shaking
Red, irritated skin
Hot spots
Sensitive skin
Puffy eyes
Eye discharge
What to do if you suspect your pet has seasonal allergies
Our Vet, Dr Scott Miller advises:
“Testing - cats that scratch or overgrown themselves are usually allergic to more than one thing, with allergies to pollinating plants, parasites and food common in domestic cats. Understanding what causes your cat to feel uncomfortable is key to how best to manage it, so speak to your Vet about the best ways to diagnose feline allergies to know how best to manage them.”
“A good wipe down - if allergic to pollens in the great outdoors, wipe your cat down with a damp towel when entering the house to reduce the amount of allergens that your cat may consume when grooming,'' says Vet, Dr Scott Miller.
Thirdly, Dr Scott Miller advises “Parasite control - with flea allergies the most common form of skin irritation in cats, regular monthly products prescribed by your Vet are incredibly important to keep an itchy scratchy cat comfortable as the weather warms up and external parasites come out to play.”
As advised by Vet, Dr Scott Miller, it is advised to contact your vet if you have any concerns regarding your pet's skin so that the appropriate tests can be carried out, a diagnosis can be made and treatment can then be prescribed accordingly.
Vet, Dr Scott Miller and Barking Heads
Read our blog on Easter Dangers for Pets from Vet, Dr Scott Miller and Barking Heads
*The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified pet health provider with any questions you may have regarding your pet’s health*