A guide to DoggoLingo - the social media language of dogs

A guide to DoggoLingo - the social media language of dogs - Barking Heads & Meowing Heads

A guide to DoggoLingo - the social media language of dogs

Husky dog thinking ready for a screenbreak when you are. With Barking Heads logo

What is DoggoLingo?

DoggoLingo is the language used by dog owners and lovers (aka “hoomans”) to talk about their dogs on the internet. It’s full of cutesy terms, silliness and lines of endearment and it’s constantly evolving with new words and phrases being created and adopted by dog lovers online.

When should you use DoggoLingo?

Well, there’s no hard and fast rule. It’s pretty silly and informal (rather like most doggos to be fair!) It’s mostly used online, on channels like reddit or Instagram where the dog-loving community is strong and people enjoy sharing tales (or should that be tails?!) of their pooches adventures (we know that we do!).

How do you use DoggoLingo?

Just try it out – get involved in the conversations and you’ll soon see how it comes together. Your old grammar teachers at school will likely start sweating, as proper punctuation, spelling and grammar are just not required, it’s all about being expressive – and thinking about how your doggo would view the world

Getting started with DoggoLingo:

To get you started we’ve pulled together a simple guide to some of the most used DoggoLingo terms on social media


Base Word

Hooman Human A dogs two legged best friend
Doggo Dog Term of endearment for your dog
Boop The action you make when you touch a dogs nose e.g. boop the nose, isn't his nose just so boop-able
Bloop The action you make when you touch a dogs nose e.g. bloop the nose, isn't his nose just so bloop-able
Heck Like Wow! But for dogs
H*ck Censored "heck"
Woofer Woof Term of endearment for your dog
Floofer Fluff Commonly used as a term of endearment for a particularly fluffy dog
Fluffer Fluff Commonly used as a term of endearment for a particularly fluffy dog
Floof Fluff Big fluffy hair or big fluffy haired dog
Gis'it Give me it What your dog may be thinking when you have a particularly tasty snack in your hand (you know what we mean!)
Hewo Hello A way of saying hello
Pupper Puppy Can be used for puppies or as an endearing term for a full grown dog
Melm When a dog sticks their tongue out
Blep When a cat sticks their tongue out
Blop When a dog sticks their tongue out but their mouth stays closed
Bork Bark The sound a dog makes - all dogs can bork - it can be young, old, big or small!


Whether or not you decide to dive into the world of dog-language with your pupper, floof, or doggo we'd love to say hewo over on our social media channels. Feel free to tag us in your best melm or blop over on @barkingheads on Instagram

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