Should i shave my dogs coat in the summer? - Advice from Dog Groomer, Dee Beveridge and Barking Heads

Should i shave my dogs coat in the summer? - Advice from Dog Groomer, Dee Beveridge and Barking Heads
Should I shave my dog in the summer? Dog Groomer Advice from Denise Beveridge and Barking Heads
Dog Groomer Denise Beveridge shares her top tips on keeping dogs with thicker coats cool during the Summer and answers the important question; should i shave my dogs coat in the summer?

Which dogs coats should be clipped in the summer?
Every dog has a different and therefore, the grooming they require depends on their breed and coat type. Dogs with thicker coats may suffer more in the summer with cooling themselves down therefore, these breeds may benefit from some help to keep them cool.
Is it safe to shave my own dogs coat?
Shaving of a dogs coat is completely dependent on your dog’s breed and associated coat type, therefore its important to research or speak with a groomer to check if your dogs coat can be clipped. Certain coats can be negatively impacted by clipping, such a double-coated coat types.
If you feel your dog would benefit from having their coat shorter during the warmer weather, It’s recommended to book your dog into a groomer for a professional groom or to speak with your vet for advice, as there are risks associated with clipping your own dogs coat at home, such as:
Accidentally catching your dogs skin with the clippers
Its important to have the correct clipper blades for certain coat types to alleviate any risks of accidentally catching your dogs skins. Your groomer should have a range of blades for different coats.
Your dogs skin being exposed to the sun can result in sunburn, therefore its important to ensure their hair isn’t cut too short. Its also important to note that dogs that have light coloured, very short, fine fur, or lighter areas and any exposed areas of skin may need sunscreen.
I feel confident shaving my dogs coat, how do i do this safely?
If you do decide to shave your pets coat and feel comfortable that you can do so safely, here are some useful tips:
Book in with a groomer
Grooming is a trained skill for a reason and is not as easy as it may seem. You potentially run the risk of causing an injury, especially if your dog is nervous and moving around a lot. Alternatively, speak with a groomer or your Vet, they may be able to provide some useful tips.
Keep your clippers cool
Clippers quickly heat up and will get hot enough to burn your dog. Feel your blades with the palm of your hand every few seconds and take regular breaks to allow the clippers to cool down. It’s also recommended to use the lubricant to keep them cool.
Leave at least an inch of hair
There is a risk of sunburn when your pets skin is exposed to the sun. Their coat also helps to regulate their temperature therefore they’re more prone to a chill during the colder nights. Also, shaving too close to the skin can run the risk of cuts and risk hair imbedding in the skin, causing inflammation, irregular hair growth and skin problems.
Ensure your coat is clean and matt-free
A matted, unclean coat can make for a difficult and potentially painful experience for your dog. I recommend washing your dogs coat with a dog-friendly shampoo and conditioner, brushing through the matts as best as you can whilst they're in the bath and whilst hair drying. Some matt's may not remove without clippers, therefore take extra care if the matts are close to the skin.
Dog Groomer, Dee Beveridge and Barking Heads
*The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified pet health provider with any questions you may have regarding your pet’s health*
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